Surgical Technology
If you have the ability to work in an intense environment and are interested in health care, discover the Surgical Technology program. Build the foundation and the skills needed to play a major supporting role in the operating room or other health career careers.
- Surgical asepsis and sterilization methods.
- Surgical instruments, supplies, and equipment.
- Pharmacology.
- Medical terminology and documentation.
- To identify operating room roles.
- Professional ethics.
(Note: This is a high school program. For options for adults, click here.)
College Credits
In this program you can earn college credit!
Career Pathways
- Sterile processing technician
- Surgical or emergency room nurse
- Sterile processing distribution manager
- Surgical technician
Career Credentials
- Sterile Processing Distribution Technician Certification
- CPA/First Aid
Currently offered; subject to change
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