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Satellite Programs

Workforce Development programs in area schools provide the chance for students to develop technical skills as well as leadership skills through involvement in Career Technical Student Organizations.  Students also have the opportunity to learn while working through internships at area businesses.

Programs include:

Biomedical Sciences (Project Lead the Way)

The PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program is a sequence of courses which follows a proven hands-on, real-world problem-solving approach to learning. Students explore the concepts of human medicine and are introduced to topics such as physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health. Through activities, students examine the processes, structures and interactions of the human body – often playing the role of biomedical professionals. They also explore the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, working collaboratively to investigate and design innovative solutions to the health challenges of the 21st century such as fighting cancer with nanotechnology.  The program is designed to prepare students to pursue a post-secondary education and careers in the biomedical sciences.


  • Principles of the Biomedical Sciences
  • Human Body Systems
  • Medical Interventions
  • Capstone Course:  Biomedical Innovation

Business Management

Key Components:

  • Internship– Provides students opportunities to “put it all together.” They develop knowledge and skills in a practical hands-on environment
  • Career Technical Student Organization (BPA):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step
  • Articulated & Transcripted Credit:  Students earn credit for what they learn

Family and Consumer Sciences

The Family and Consumer Sciences courses are semester classes offered to students in grades 7 through 12.

This Course of Study has been developed to enable the student to acquire specific learner outcomes that will prepare them to enter any occupational field and to be productive citizens in a global economy.

The program provides classroom and laboratory experiences in academics, occupational skills and employability both in and out of school.  The program, in collaboration with the affiliated school districts, provides the necessary services for youth to develop fundamental knowledge, skills, abilities, values and attitudes in entrepreneurship, leadership, social and civic skills.

The program also develops student competence in the academic skill areas of mathematics, communications and science to enable students to fulfill personal, family, and basic work responsibilities. Additionally, employability competencies are developed within specific course work to enable students to obtain and keep jobs and to manage the multiple and often conflicting responsibilities of work and family.  Career Technical Student Organization (FCCLA):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step

Units include: Healthy and Safe Foods, Personal Financial Management, Career Search, Child Development, and Managing Transitions.

High School of Business

  • Curriculum is designed at or near college level to challenge, invigorate, and stretch the minds of students.
  • Content is based on industry-validated standards addressing current business practices, needs, and trends.
  • The program is designed to foster strong, professional relationships with local business leaders, academic faculty, and a cohort group of business administration students.
  • Six courses over 3 to 4 years:  Principles of Business, Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, Principles of Finance, Principles of Management, Business Strategies
  • Observational Internship Experience
  • 20 hours of observing management-level business functions in senior year or summer preceding
  • Career Technical Student Organization (DECA):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step

Legal Office Management

  • Includes: Business Fundamentals, Economics , Business Law, Communication skills, Accounting procedures, Management styles, Legal Terminology
  • Also includes Legal Office Management courses in:  Legal Concepts, Office Procedures, Ethics, Professionalism, Presentation Skills, Management Sectors including financial operations, human resources, and marketing
  • Career Technical Student Organization (BPA):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step

Medical Office Management

  • Business & Management Practices courses: Business  Fundamentals, Economics, Business Law, Communication skills, Accounting procedures, Management styles, Medical Terminology
  • Medical Office Management:  Medical Concepts, Office Procedures, Ethics, Risk Management, Professionalism, Presentation Skills, Management Sectors including financial operations, human resources, and marketing
  • Also includes internship


  • Students will learn:  business law, channel management, communication skills, customer relations, distribution, economics, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, financial analysis, human resources management, market planning, marketing communications, marketing-information management, operations, pricing, product/service management, professional development, selling, and strategic management

Programs vary by school, and may include Marketing Management and Research, Marketing Technology, and Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

  • Career Technical Student Organization (DECA):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step

Project Lead the Way

Project Lead the Way is a national program.  Students gain first-hand experience in different facets of engineering, learn high-tech computer software such as Autodesk Inventor and MultiSim, and are exposed to real engineering settings.  Classes are modeled after introductory engineering courses taught at the university level.  They will also complete a capstone project in engineering design and development.

  • 9th Grade      Introduction to Engineering Design
  • 10th Grade    Principles of Engineering
  • 11th Grade    Digital Electronics
  • 12th Grade:   Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Students choose one:   Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Biotechnical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computational Modeling, Fuel Cell Technology

Teaching Professions

Program Goals:

  • Orientation to the teaching profession
  • Subject matter knowledge
  • Understanding the learner
  • Teaching strategies
  • Learning environment
  • Technology skills
  • Career Technical Student Organization (Future Educators Association):  Extends beyond the classroom to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them for their next step

Courses include:

  • 11th grade –Theory of Teaching and Learning
  • 12th grade – (2 bells) - Theory of Teaching and Learning and Field Experience which includes:
  • Observation and instructional support activities
  • Lesson plan development
  • Preparation and delivery of instruction
  • Utilization of technology

Satellite Programs by School