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For Parents of Home Schooled Students

Homeschooled students are eligible to take Great Oaks programs!

Students who live in one of 36 area school districts (see list here) can attend a Great Oaks campus during their junior and senior years.

Great Oaks might be a great choice for your son or daughter if they want to:

  • Get a head start on a career or college through certifications and college credit they can earn
  • Make new friends who have the same interests they do
  • Learn about real-world conditions from  career technical teachers who are experienced professionals in the various career fields
  • Explore a career field while they are finishing high school – a much less expensive option than taking a year of college then changing majors

High school programs available

Hear what parents have to say about Great Oaks

Programs available for high school graduates

For more information call: 

Diamond Oaks:  Laura Domet at dometl@greatoaks.com or 513.574.1300

Laurel Oaks:  Bill Davis at davisw@greatoaks.com or 937.382.1411

Live Oaks: Jen Frith at frithj@greatoaks.com or 513.575.1900

Scarlet Oaks:  Abby Flaherty at flahertya@greatoaks.com or 513.771.8810